Hello Friends, in how to blogging in 2021 English or in any language, I have to explain step by step in the right, true and easy way

Now the question that is coming in your mind related to Blogging, I know all those questions, why when I had also started, I also had to collect all these Blogging information.
What is a blog
Friend, blog ka means a regularly updated website or web page usually run by an individual or small group, written in an informal or conversational style. Like many people write Diary regularly every day, This is the way to write a blog.
But in Diary, people write the story of the whole day and the way of writing the blog is a bit different from Diary like suppose if he is a farmer he writes Dairy then he will write that we went to the farm in the morning after that I saw the crops After I have gone to the market, after that I have eaten food, after that I write down everything I have done and after having dinner at night I am sleeping by writing a diary
But at the time of writing the blog, the same farmer will write that how to do farming, the only thing that he likes is better than that, he knows that he will write about that means that farmer will write how to sow wheat, which is more quantity of wheat There is a function, how much water should be given, how many fertilizers should be given, then they are fully aware of the sowing of wheat.
So if he writes about sowing wheat, that is what we call Blog. Meaning that people who have a good knowledge on anything inside, have to write on the webpage instead of Dairy.
How to start blogging
I think you fully understand what a blog is, now I will tell you how to start blogging or how to start your own blog. To start blogging, you have to have a Devicd to connect to the Internet, regardless of the meaning It is necessary to have a computer, laptop or you have your Smartphone.
Do not make excuses now that I do not have a computer by listening to other’s videos or other things, mobile se blogging kaise kare or blogging cannot be done from mobile brother, in today’s date many people are blogging from mobile even I am giving this to you from my mobile.
Yes, some place which is a problem with mobile, so how I have bit it, how I have put the computer inside my mobile, you can see that the video is given below.
Find the topic for blogging
You will have to find which topic or which Niche I am talking about, you will have to see what things I can do well and which I can teach people.
Every person in the world has deep knowledge about some or the other things, you will have to come out and see what things I can do on top of the best performance.
Doing what is good from the heart makes me feel happy inside and what I can write about continuously has become your topic or Niche
Select Platform for Blogging
You know what blogging is and how to start blogging, but to start blogging, you need a platform. Today, most popular two platforms, one is Google’s own blogger.com and the other is a popular CMS (Content Management Service) WordPress
What you are writing in Blogging ki Dunia is called Content
If you create a blog on Blogger.com, then you will not have to pay any money, but if you make a blog on top of WordPress, then initially you will have to spend some money.
To create a blog on Blogger.com, Google gives you Free Domain (Domain Name) and Hosting (Hosting).
At the time of creating a blog on WordPress, you have to pay your own money and buy Domain Name (Custom Domain) and Hostings Service.
What is a Custom Domain (What is a Domain)
After coming here, what is the domain going on in your mind? As an example, every person in the world is given a name so that every person is given a name so that they are introduced by the same name, they are called by the same name, a letter comes to their house with the same name.
In the same world of internet, if you create a blog site or create a website or a channel on YouTube, then it is necessary to have a name for your site in all those places, it is called the domain name (Custom Domain).
As my site got named webguideblog.com
Hope you understand
What is Hosting
Saying as an example, suppose you took a photo from your phone and as you took the photo, the faka that you woke up inside your phone got filled up a bit, which decreased and the amount of the filled space increased slightly Gone
Meaning that that photo needs some place somewhere to live, just like what you write on your blog site and whatever photo you add together, it needs some place to live.
In such a place that you cannot see with your own eyes, but keep all the things you see on the Internet, wake them up a little bit,
At this time, whatever you have written for your Blog Site, the data is called, to save those data or to host you will need hosting.
And if you turn around, this is what the meaning of Hosting.
Domain Registration india (How to buy domain)
Like you have found out what is a domain, now it is going on in your mind that how to buy a domain and where to buy it means who sells domains.
Friends, a lot of ABCD company has come in today’s date, which sells domains to you or people like me, but the domain of every company does not work well and at the same time the service of the people is not good either. is,
I am keeping some company name from here you can blindly buy domain name.
1.Go Daddy is one of the best domain service company
2.Goodrock also provides good domain service by clicking on the picture below, now you can directly check their official website.
3.Name Cheap also comes under the category of a good domine service company, you can click on the link given below to visit their official website.
Now it is going on in your mind that brother good company name was found out, but what is the way to buy domain name from there,
Okay, right now I’m going to show you how to buy domain names from all these companies? For example, here I am showing the domain name purchase from Bigrock, but when you go to each company to buy the domain, the method is almost the same.
How to buy domains from Big Rock
First of all, click on BigRock’s official website or above the Check Now button below.
This type of look will be seen after the website is opened.
Now according to your search or your topic, you enter the domain name according to the search box at the top and then write dot dot and click on the nearby button.
After clicking, it will tell you whether the domain name of the name you have chosen is available or whether someone has already purchased a domain name on top of this name. Keep in mind that only one domine is formed on top of any name.
So if you are showing me available then it is not good, otherwise you can switch a little bit in the name.
As your name becomes available, now see below, showing you many endings means that .com is there and also .in .net .org shows such extensions so you can buy any of them. Or you can buy all at once
But it is stupid to buy everyone for a website, so you have to take only one, then you blindly buy dot com or dot in or dot net or all these end domain names, these end are called top level domain TLD Domine again
So look at the right side of the one you want to buy, BUY is written, then click on that BUY.
After clicking, see below or there is a button on the right side check out, click on it.
So at this time you can ask to take website builder but you have to go ahead by clicking on Continue to checkout without website builder.
Now after coming to the top of this page, the first thing you see is giving you some extra addons along with a separate charge for which it is said that if you keep your security hydrated, then you can buy them together if you want. I think in the beginning those things are not needed much, so you turn them off or if you have done it from the computer then a check button is visible by clicking there in the left side and remove it.
After removing it, now see that the amount of money has reduced drastically. Now the money that is showing it is just the charge of your domain name, 2 years means by default, 2 years is selected, but if you can change it in 1 year, 5 years or 2 years, then look for it on mobile. A Change Tenure button is visible below and 2 years is written on the top of the computer.
Click on it and make changes, in my opinion, keep only 1 year in the beginning.
Then click on the Next button below.
After pressing Next, now you have to create a new account, for that you are now looking from mobile, click on the Create Account option below, or if you are doing it from the computer, then there is a place to fill your own details in the left side. Fill in your details
Now a new page will open in front of you, you will have to fill your details like I have filled in the photo, fill it yourself by looking at it and the password as I have filled it, you have to fill at least 9 digits, at least one of them. The letter must be a small letter, a number and a numeric number, like I have filled something, you should also fill that type.
After filling everything, click on Create Acoount
At the time of creating an account, please enter the username and password that we had created, click on the Next button now, see now, the option of payment in front of you means that Bigrock will have to pay you now, then you will get the facility of filling a lot of money here. You will choose according to your convenience and then click on the Pay button below.
So finally when your purchase is completed, a new page will open in front of you, which will be written on your purchase is Complete.
So one of your doubts got clear on how to buy domains, do not leave this page in a hurry, because right now we also have to know how to buy web hosting.
But before that, I have some more good domain service company pictures which I have added above, you can directly take all those pictures by clicking on the above or I think you can check all the companies once, which one The company is giving you the domain cheaply, I am giving all the good companies in the picture of the company.
So, let us now see how to buy hosting
Hosting kaise kharide
So we had come to know firstly what is the meaning of hosting, now we will see how to buy hosting
Just like how we bought domains, at that time it was learned that a lot of ABCD company sells Domains, in the same way many ABCD companies also sell hosting services or provide hosting services.
This time also, I am telling you the name of some best hosting provider in India, you can buy the hosting service with the eyes closed from here.
1. Hostinger – As of today, all the cheap wordpress hosting offers hosting service in India is a well-known name from all the hosting service company, so you must visit the official website of hostinger.in by clicking on the top of the picture below. Do it
2. Bluehost – This is also the list of Best hosting provider in India, I have the ability to add names, ie it is also a good hosting company, if you want to check it too, then click on the picture below.
3. Host papa – Host Papa also comes in the category of good hosting service, since the time of giving good and good service to the website speed, if you want to check it, then surely click above the picture given below.
4. A2 Hosting – When it is going on who is offering the best web hosting service in India, then if I do not tell the name of A2 hosting, then it would be stupid of me to mean that you will have to see the A2 hosting review as well. Click above go
5. SiteGround – Siteground V becomes the contender for registering the name in the list of Best Web hosting India, then you must also check the Siteground hosting plans.
Note – 1. I have given the name of all the domain name registration company, all those companies also provide you with hosting service, so if you want, you can buy the right domain and hosting with any one company.
2. All the hosting service provider I have named, all those companies also give you the facility of domain registration, you can buy hosting and domain from the same company if you want.
So this time it is definitely on your mind that if we can buy domains and hosting from the same company, then why should you tell us so much?
My advice is that you bought both things from both different companies ie hosting and domain, because if you do not like the service of one company, then you can take those services comfortably to another company. So if I keep buying a service, what happens to me that any one service looks bad to me, then I can immediately take one service to the account of another company if buying both services from one company. If you keep it, then transfer will be done but you will have to face a little problem and together you will understand the nature of the different companies.
Even you came to know about the name of the best hosting company, how to buy hosting or how to buy hosting.
When we are learning Blogging kaise kare step by step, then also know how to buy Hosting Service.
Hostinger se Hosting kaise kharide
Here too, I am showing by purchasing hosting from Hostinger, the way all the other hosting companies are buying hosting from everyone is almost the same.
So first of all, click on the Check Now button below to visit Hostinger’s site.
The interface of the home page will click as you click
Now after you come down a little, see three types of Hostinger hosting plans are visible.
Now within these three Hostinger hosting plans, you have to choose any type, tell me a little that if you want to make a very light and light website, then you can take a plane according to the initial 59 months if you do not want to. My website will become a bit bigger and I will work on top of all of this and I will also earn money, then brother, you have to take the middle of the plan which is showing for 119 months, if your website is very big, then initially you will have 219. My plan is to take the plane according to the month. My advice is that take the wavehosting plan you are showing for 119 months. If you take it, then you will also get the domain for free for 1 year.
So after clicking click on it, some such page will appear.
Now understand the picture you are seeing in the above, here first, if you buy this Hostinger pemium hosting plan for 1 month, then you will have to pay 399 rupees
If you buy for 12 months i.e. 1 year, then you will have to pay 229 months according to which you will get the domain free for 1 year.
Now I am further telling you how to buy the domain
If you buy this plan for 24 months or 2 years, then you have to pay 169 months and you will get domain free for 1 year.
If you buy this plan for 48 months i.e. 4 years, then you will have to pay what you saw according to 119 months and together you will get domain free for 1 year.
My advice is that you buy it for 1 year only. You will talk about how to buy the domain. For that, see a box below, enter your favorite domain in it and you will click on the box that is made in the right side. You will be able to change the extension ie dot com dot in select because all these are top level domains which I taught you in TLD
You know that one of the great things about Hostinger is that he gives you SSL Certificate for life time for free. Look at the picture carefully. I have shown it in the middle.
Now here, first of all, enter your domain name and check whether that name is available or not, if it becomes available, then click on the check now button on the right side.
After reaching here, like I told you at the time of buying the domain name, how you have to create an account and then pay it, see that you can do it easily.
Now as soon as your payment is made, some such type of page will appear in front of you, Welcome to Hostinger, after that your name will appear, you will have to click above the Start Now button below.
So, as soon as you click on Start Now, some page of this type will open.
After coming here, you have to click on Select below the Use an Existing Domain because we have previously purchased the domain from BigRock.
Now touch on the top of Select and in the box that is coming down, fill your domain name and continue.
Now look carefully, this type of page will open, do not click on the 2 options given in the top here in front of you, see below where Skip i will start from scratch click on it because we people have to create new web sites.
Now do not click on Finish Setup immediately here because now we have to set the server location.
How to set Hostinger server location in India
As if we are from India, we will have to see who is giving Hostiger Data Center location or Hostinger server location, so for that where the default by Europe (United Kingdom) is written, the small side in the right side of it Click on the box that appears
How to Add Domain with Hosting (How to Add Domain to Hosting cPanel)
Now also see here Asia – Singapore If we are getting the Histinger Data Center & Server location in front of us, then click on it then select it in the right side and then click on Finish Setup.
Now the work of buying our domain and hosting is over, now we will set up the website, that too in an easy way.
The first thing that happens after purchasing domain and hosting is to update DNS configuration for website or Domain Name Server, due to which a connection will be made between your domain and hosting.
First of all, you log in your Domain Service Provider and Hosting Service Provider account in two separate tabs above any one of your browsers.
Let’s assume for a moment that if you have bought the domain from BigRock, then I have to update the BigRock DNS server.
How to do BigRock DNS management
First you log in BigRock’s account
After logging in, the look of the home page will be visible, now you have to check above the menu menu key option, after that click on the list above the search order. Will happen
In the new page which is coming open, you will have to find Name Server and then click on it.
After clicking, the Name Server box will open.
Here the name server which is visible inside the box is kept by default by BigRock, it has to be changed, now empty these boxes, remove all that is
So to change that, you have to login the dashboard from where you bought the hosting service.
Here too, for a moment, if you believe that you have bought Hostinger’s hosting service by obeying me, then now you will have to login to Hostinger.
Hostinger Account Log in
So as soon as you login to the Hostinger account then some such page will open.
Where your Domain Name is visible, click on the Manage button on the right side of it.
After clicking, this kind of page will open
This place means that this page is called it, Control Panel or C Panel of the hosting company, but Hostinger has given it a different name on its behalf H-Pannel
Now you will have to go to the details tab coming under the account. If you click to go, a new page will open.
2 server name is visible at the top, copy it and paste it in the BigRock Name Server box, you can see the picture below.
After that, update the name server by clicking on the update name server option coming down below.
Now your Name Server Configaration is complete, in the meantime, also activate the free SSL received from Hostinger.
For that, look above the Hostinger Dashoard
Enable you to host Hostinger Free SSL on Advance’s tab.
Now we have to install wordpress but before that know this wordpress kya hai otherwise if someone asks you then you will not be able to reply
So far, we have been learning Blogging kaise kare step by step, so now we have reached a very special step.
What is WordPress
Friends, for now just know that WordPress is a CMS i.e. Contact Management Service, which you can download for free and with this you can easily design your website or blog site because inside it you have 7000 Free theme is available and 55 thousand free plugins are available. For now, know only this much, I will write about it in detail in time to come.
WordPress ko install kaise kare in Hostinger (WordPress installation in hindi)
As if we have purchased the hosting service from Hostinger, then we will install WordPress from here, then I will log in to the Hostinger H Panel for that.
You can definitely see the auto installar option on hPannel or Dashboard and after clicking on it you will see WordPress.
Click on the select button to install WordPress
Watch this page very carefully now
By default is http, change it to https
Enter a Username and memorize it or write it down in the paper.
Create a password is very important to remember as well, because we will open the WordPress Dashboard through this user name and password.
Now the email id from which you purchased the hosting service will be the same email id by default so if you want, you can change it
Change the letest version of WordPress, set Verson to the one that Verson is currently running.
And after lovingly press Install then your WordPress will start installing, WordPress will also be downloaded within a few seconds.
Now as soon as wordpress is installed, some page like this will be sleeping
Now you can log out of Hostinger or open a new tab.
Learn to login WordPress Dashboard
Now open a new tab to login wordpress dashboard and after that write your website name or domain name followed by slash (/) and write wp-admin and search something like this
As the search completes, then you will come across a page like this.
Now you enter the Username and Password of the WordPress admin login which we had created at the time of installing WordPress and then click on log in. Now the WordPress admin panel will open and we have
How to set up wordpress blog site
As soon as the wordpress admin dashboard opens, this type of page will appear and from now on it will become your best to become a WordPress blog site on top of the best blogging patform.
After coming up on the WordPress admin dashboard, first of all, you have a good look at the Best blogging platform and then click below the settings in the left side below because some WordPress will import importent topics.
1. Put Tittle of your website
2. Make a website tag line. Tag line means write something about your site in less words that people will know how to get contact on your website. For example, the tagline of this site is Advance Blogging Tips.
3. Look at this space carefully if www inside your website url. If not, then you www. Put it and also in the box below it www. Put it
4. You can change your man email address if you want, my advice is to keep Ushiko.
5. Timezone yourself, as if I have Kolkata
Leave the same as the rest and click above Save Change below.
Also, an important setting has to be done, for that click on Setting and after that
Click on Permalinks and after selecting Post Name click on Save Changes.
Permalink means that whatever you post, a separate URL will be created or you will have to create it as if I have the URL of this post.
So here’s my permalink for this post
All the important setting we had now is completed
WordPress theme Install kaise kare
Yes, right now we have to install a theme for this WordPress site, for that we are on the left side
Click above Apperence, you will find the place of the theme, clicking on it, you will see some theme, but you have to click on Add new at the top, now see that just below that a search box has opened, write there. Generate Press
GeneratePress is the best theme of all the themes available for free inside the WordPress theme library. All my blog sites are all designed in the GeneratePress theme. That’s why I also tell you that you also use it
To take it, click on the install button and after install, click on the button of Active, then your work will be done.
So we will customize it later, first of all, let’s make some important pages and some posts.
WordPress page kaise banaye
To create a WordPress page, look at the left side, the pages are visible, click on it and click on the top of all pages.
Right now, 2 pages will appear in front of you, this is done by WordPress itself, but we will delete it first and after that we will create a new page.
To delete, tick the box made in the left side and clicking on Bulk Action instead, you will get the option to Move to Bin, click on it and click on Apply in the right box only if it is deleted. Will be done
A website or blog site has to make some important pages like
About Us – In this page you have to write about you and your website
Contact Us – In this page you have to give a valid e-mail id so that if you want to make contact with any information, then you can do it.
Privacy Policy – Within this page, you have to write in detail about which user’s data they use, how a simple website works.
So to create new pages now, click on Add New above, this way the page will open.
Write about Us at this place, just write about Us
Write about you and your website
Click on the Publish button
Just one of your pages has been created, make this page as well.
Right now we will have to do man work, that means we have to write content or article for the website, only then we will be able to design the blog site, then we will have to write posts for it. Friends have to know how to write a blog before posting a blog
Blog ke liye article kaise likhe | How to write SEO friendly blog post
Come, know how to write blog blog liise article o even SEO friendly article, Friends, you have to find your Niche first, which I had discussed in the beginning, so now I assume that your topic or Niche Find has been found.
You have to find a low competition keyword right now. There are many different ways to do this. I want to tell you that you can use KGR Technique to do Keyword Research in the beginning.
KGR Technique kya Hai | Keyword Research kaise kare
To know in detail about the friends KGR Technique, please watch this video below.
I hope you will be able to do initial keyword research after watching this video.
Now you have to write an article on this keyboard, there may be many mistakes in the initial article, I also say that you make mistakes only then you will be able to learn well
While writing an article or blog post, keep in mind that use a word that does not cause any inconvenience to the people, it means that it should be readable, that you should try to explain the people in easy language in your own way so that whatever You are going to tell people that people can understand it well
I am explaining above the meaning of SEO Friendly Article, on top of whatever keyboard you are writing an article, do not use the same Keyword again and again, which is your main keyword, it should be used at least three times in 100 words ki article. Please use. Meaning you have an article of 1000 words, so you use a keyword 20 to 30 times. This is called Keyword Density
You have to use the Supporting Keywords or the Helping Keywords as well, whenever you search for anything, the results which are visible just below the results of all those results are also known as the Helping or Supporting Keywords.
Your Main Keyword, which you are writing about, people search the same thing from other keywords also, which Google is seeing below you, you will also have to use all these keywords while you are writing the article.
Let me assume that writing your article is complete, that means you have written some article, then now you will have to post that article on the blog.
Blog par Post kaise kare
To post a blog post on WordPress, click on the post option that is visible in the left side bar and click on the top of All Post.
You can also click on Add New, but some posts remain in the New WordPress site, first we will delete it, so as soon as you click in All Post, all the sample posts will open. So the way to delete those posts is also like deleting the page. I hope you will be able to do it. After delete, the option of Add New will be found above, click there, then your Post Editor will open.
You can write from here or you can copy and paste the previously written post in a note pad.
First you have to put Post Tittle whatever your tittle is.
Write or paste your entire post. If you want, you can add photos, videos in between.
Publish by clicking in the Publish button.
But before publishing, we will install a necessary plugin for free, due to which very important work is done.
Yoast SEO Plugin setup kaise kare
Yes my friend I was talking about the Yoast SEO Plugin to install it in the left side
Click on the plugins after that, click in the Installed Plugins and delete all the ones already installed, then click on Add New at the top as soon as a search box will open, write in it Yoast
As soon as you write Yoast, you will see the Yoast SEO Plugin and install it and activate it.
After that you open your post instead of BAPS, then Yoast SEO Plungin will appear under your post and will do some important work with its help.
Permalink of your post will have to be made like this
How To Blogging in 2021 | Step by step blogging guide
As far as the blue color is, here you will see the rest of the part on the right side, you have to write a dash (-) in the middle.
Meta description will have to be written which will be visible in the search result to the people, then write something like this in a few words about the post in these boxes so that people click.
Whatever you write in the Meta Description box will appear here
Focus Keyword means that which is your Main Keyword, you can check Keyword Density by pulsing it. I have already mentioned about Keyword Density
Featured image must be installed by clicking on it
If your post is already public, then update it, if it is saved in the draft, then make it public.
In this way, you publish 5 to 6 posts and I have forgotten to tell you one thing, also select Catagory of the post. So also know how to make Catagory
How to create wordpress post category
In the Left Side inside the WordPress Dashboard, from where we learned to post, see below Catagory
By clicking on it, you create a category according to yourself and add the post to the category.
How to Customize WordPress Theme
Friends, remember we had installed the GeneratePress theme, so now we will customize the GeneratePress theme.
I highly recommend you watch this video of mine and customize it as a premium theme.
Hope you have set up your website by watching this video. Now we will have to tell google that I have also created a website, I have also written a good article on this topic, you visit my site and show all those people who search about this topic on Google. , Meaning now this new site will have to be added to google search console
Google Search Console Add Website
As you enter the Google search console, a page like this will open.
After inserting the url of your website in the tab of the URL prefix, click on Continue. Now the page will open in this way
There will be a lot of options but you have to click above the HTML tag and after clicking, a navigation bar will open where you see a text code inside the box by clicking the copy button on the right side of it. Copy. Now in a new tab, you have to go straight from here on Yoast SEO Plugin General in WordPress dashboard.
Now after entering the code which was copied from your Google search console, look at the number three, a box of google verification code is visible, paste it inside it and click on the top of the Save Changes below.
Now you have to come back to the table of Google search console and click on the Verify button below there, after that within few seconds your site will be verified and you will see it this way
Now our website has been added to the Google search console but we will have to do one more work, now we have to create xml sitemap of the website and add it to the google search console.
The Yoast SEO plugin automatically creates a sitemap but we only have to add the Site Map of the Post and Pages.
For him, clicking on the Search Appearance of Yoast SEO again, clicking above the Texonomies in the Top Bar will open such a page.
Click in the category and change it to No.
Click on the tags and do no.
Click on the Formats and disable the first option.
Click on Archives again in the Top Bar
Disable the author archives setting, after that, as soon as you click on the above Save Changes, the right side of that will be written saying the saved setting.
Now to finally check it, you have to give / (slash) after inserting your site url in the seach box of any browser and write sitemap. xml
So you will see below which cone site map you have created, Yoast SEO will show you something by this type
Now look here, only sitemap of posts and pages have been created, now you have to add these sitemap, for that what is written in red color, copy so much inside the seach box (sitemap_index.xml) and then go to google search console. Follow the picture below
Click on the sitemap in the left.
Paste the copy you made above
Click submit
After some time, remember the page, then the status that is success will be seen.
Finally we must have learned to build a website step by step.
Can the entire website be made by following this step
Yes it can be done
Which one is your hosting?
All the names I have taken, I use everyone but cheap hostinger is good.
Can i ask you if there is a problem
Just ask comment or email
Which blog brings more traffic
You will get more traffic by creating a blog according to your interest
My advice
My advice is that you start and there will be some mistakes, rectify them and keep working forward. The more mistakes you make, the better you will learn.
Nice and valuable information thanks for sharing with us